
The Local page provides an overview of weather products for a specific location.

This is where you can access observed and forecast information for a particular location. 

Use the LOCATION pull down menu at the top of the left-hand menu to select your location of interest. Locations are listed alphabetically. 

Within this list, we use the following definitions: 

• AWS = Automatic Weather Station

• CG = Coastguard site

• WXT = A smaller integrated AWS 

Once you have selected a location of interest, three sections are available in the Overview, as follows: 

• Weather Observation

o Real time weather conditions are provided from our network of automatic weather stations – the locations of which are denoted by the black station ring. More stations become visible as you zoom into the map. 

o Real time weather data from the network of automatic weather stations are generally updated every minute and delivered as an on-screen widget.

o In this case, the green arrow is the direction the wind is blowing from, in this case northwest. 

o The text inside the black station ring is wind data. In this case, the mean wind speed for the last minute is 6 km/hr and the gust recorded over the last minute was 15 km/hr. o The air temperature is 11.4oC (black text).

o The rainfall over the last ten minutes is 0.0 (blue text). 

• Three Day Forecast o A three-day temperature and rainfall forecast for the location of interest is provided as a graph.

o The more details link at the bottom right of this graph takes you to the THREE DAY FORECAST for this location, see further below. 

• Observation by Minute o The last ten minutes of 1-minute weather observations are displayed in a table. This is useful to ascertain trends in the weather observations. 

o The values in this table are colour-coded, based on the key below the table, and can be used to quickly note unusual or abnormal conditions. 

This page contains Weather Observation information, a computer generated Three Day Forecast and the last 10 minutes of Observations by Minute. In future, more products may be added to this view as appropriate.


Location Controller

The location displayed can be altered via the Location Controller: